T.S エリオット



”Everyone, I believe, who is at all sensible to the seductions of poetry, can remember some moment in youth when he or she was completely carried away by the work of one poet. Very likely he was carried away by several poets, one after the other. The reason for this passing infatuation is not merely that our sensibility to poetry is keener in adolescence than in maturity. What happens is a kind of inundation, of invasion of the undeveloped personality by the stronger personality of the poet. The same thing may happen at a later age to persons who have not done much reading. One author takes complete possession of us for a time; then another; and finally they begin to affect each other in our mind. We weigh one against another; we see that each has qualities absent from others, and qualities incompatible with the qualities of others; we begin to be, in fact, critical; and it is our growing critical power which protects us from excessive possession by any one literary personality.The good criticーand we should all try to be critics, and not leave criticism to the fellows who write reviews in the papersーis the man who, to a keen and abiding sensibility, joins wide and increasingly discriminating reading.”




”The universality of irritation is the best assurance of peace"
